SKIN is most definitely in! Finally sharing my thoughts on my favorite topic! As one of the most asked question on my social platform, my skincare was a topic I couldn’t wait to discuss. I only waited this long to ensure the products and services I have been using recently would make the favorites list. I want to start…
I love makeup. Not because it covers up imperfections, not because it enhances beauty, but because it is personal. Makeup is an outlet for creativity and personality. There are no judgments, just expression. My makeup look ranges day to day, but the look below is how I love to use my favorite products in my collection. My sister…
No matter the trend of the year, the wave of new styles, or current season, one thing that remains consistent for me is a nude lip. I am a true neutral lipstick kind of girl, it’s always my preference no matter the outfit. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a nice red lip with a black dress or…
Confession: I am the worst when it comes to nail maintenance. I can never find time to get to a salon, and when I do, I am often a week too late. Anytime I'm in dire need of a manicure before an impromptu event, I tend to leave my nails natural, usually due to the fact that waiting…
Do blondes really have more fun? I stepped (OK, I confess, it was a mighty step for me) into the world of being a blonde in 2013. If I’m being honest, my hair and I aren’t always on the same page. What color? What cut? Will I rock this trend? What can I do to give my hair…
About Deshira

Deshira Balidemaj is the average girl, with an incredible passion for life. Inspiration from those around her, breathtaking places she’s traveled, as well as the fast-paced city of New York in her backyard, fuels her. Learn More..